Our team

Get to know the team behind TEKny

We are a small team with an ambitious mission: to lead the digital transition for a growing audience. With unwavering commitment, we achieve goals that fill us with pride, shaping an innovative and satisfying digital future for our customers.

Matthew Di Bartolomeo

Co-Founder & Full-Stack Developer

An incurable admirer of the digital universe. A computer engineering major, I spend my days immersing myself in the art of turning lines of code into innovative solutions...

An incurable admirer of the digital universe. A computer engineering major, I spend my days immersing myself in the art of turning lines of code into innovative solutions.

Technology is not only a passion of mine, it is my way of seeing the world. But beyond circuits and algorithms, I have a true belief in the power of friendship. To me, relationships mean everything, and I believe that human connection is the real engine of innovation.

I want to continue to explore the frontiers of computing and to share this adventure with those who share the same values and vision as I do.

I currently manage and develop web solutions and UI/UX designs, however it is only the beginning of a long journey... 

Federico Rotoli

Co-Founder & Full-Stack Developer

A lifelong IT enthusiast, I enjoy analyzing every software product that passes through my hands...

A lifelong IT enthusiast, I enjoy analyzing every software product that passes through my hands.

With a degree in Computer Engineering, I honed my Mobile skills through the Apple Developer Academy, which recognized me with the title of iOS Developer.

After graduation, I delved into the Flutter programming language for cross-platform software development by going on to strengthen our 360-degree skills.

Antonio Vicedomini

Co-Founder & CEO

Young entrepreneur trained in business management. My entrepreneurial mindset has guided me through many adventures, enabling me to build a portfolio of practical skills...

Young entrepreneur trained in business management. My entrepreneurial mindset has guided me through many adventures, allowing me to build a portfolio of practical skills.

My training aims to further improve my skills in business process management and optimization.

My ability to plan taxation and optimize corporate resources helps ensure the success of the companies I manage and work with.

I am a motivated professional, ready to apply my experience and skills to guide companies toward success and sustainable growth.

Domenico Cozzolino

Full-Stack Developer

I am a computer developer with a passion inherited from my father. Programming has been a part of my life since I was young, and I am always ready to take on new challenges...

I am a computer developer with a passion inherited from my father. Programming has been a part of my life since I was young, and I am always ready to take on new challenges.

In my career path, I have specialized in development primarily in the cloud using Firebase & Flutter, creating innovative apps and leveraging the potential of the platform. A passion for development and enthusiasm for challenges drive my path.